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The Evolution of Tradition: Rings Around Cigars

rings around cigars


What are those rings around cigars? Those small pieces of art encircling the foot of a cigar, have become an integral part of the smoking experience. In this exploration, we delve into the fascinating history and practical reasons behind the adoption of cigar bands by companies, uncovering the evolution of this tradition.

1. Identification and Branding:

In the early days of cigars, cigars were often sold without any form of identification. As the industry expanded and competition grew, companies recognized the need for a distinctive mark to set their cigars apart. Cigar bands became the perfect canvas for branding, allowing companies to showcase their logos, emblems, and even prestigious awards, creating a visual identity that consumers could easily recognize.

2. Quality Assurance:

As the cigar industry evolved, so did the emphasis on quality assurance. Cigar bands provided a practical solution by allowing companies to include information about the cigar's origin, blend, and manufacturing details. This not only served as a mark of authenticity but also empowered consumers with valuable information about the product they were purchasing.

3. Prevention of Counterfeiting:

Cigar counterfeiting has been a challenge throughout history, particularly with renowned brands. Cigar bands became a vital tool in combating counterfeiting by incorporating intricate designs, holograms, and other security features that are challenging to replicate. This not only protected the interests of companies but also ensured that consumers received genuine products.

4. Aesthetic Appeal and Tradition:

Beyond practical considerations, cigar bands contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal of cigars. Companies realized that the addition of well-designed bands could enhance the visual experience for consumers. Over time, this aesthetic appeal became a cherished tradition, with many companies creating intricate and artistic bands that complement the craftsmanship of the cigars themselves.

5. Marketing and Storytelling:

Cigar bands became a canvas for storytelling. Companies began using bands to share the narrative behind their cigars, whether it was the history of the brand, the origin of the tobacco, or the inspiration behind a particular blend. This marketing approach not only engaged consumers on a deeper level but also added a layer of romance to the cigar-smoking experience.


The adoption of cigar bands by companies has evolved from a practical necessity to a cherished tradition that enriches the entire cigar experience. Whether serving as a brand identifier, a source of information, a deterrent against counterfeiting, or a platform for storytelling, cigar bands have become a symbol of craftsmanship, authenticity, and the enduring connection between manufacturers and enthusiasts.

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