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The Cuban Embargo on Cigars: Why Americans Can't Buy Cubanos

Updated: Oct 21, 2023

Written By: Niko San Pedro

The cuban embargo on cigars
Traditional Cigar Rolling

Cuban cigars are legendary in the world of tobacco. Their reputation for exceptional craftsmanship and rich, complex flavors has made them sought after by cigar enthusiasts worldwide. But for many Americans, the dream of legally enjoying a genuine Cuban cigar on U.S. soil remains elusive due to the enduring Cuban embargo. In this blog, we'll explore the history of the Cuban embargo and why Americans can't easily buy Cuban cigars.

The Cuban Embargo: A Brief History

The Cuban embargo, also known as the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba, has its roots in the Cold War. It was imposed in 1960 in response to the Cuban government's expropriation of American-owned properties and the growing influence of the Soviet Union in Cuba. The embargo was further intensified in the early 1960s, when the U.S. prohibited nearly all trade and diplomatic relations with Cuba.

Cuban Cigars and Their Allure

Cuban cigars have long been celebrated for their exceptional quality, stemming from the island's ideal climate and rich tobacco heritage. The "puro" tradition of using 100% Cuban tobacco has earned these cigars a special place in the hearts of aficionados. The allure of Cuban cigars lies not only in their exceptional tobacco but also in the meticulous craftsmanship of Cuban cigar makers, or "torcedores."

The Embargo's Impact on Cigar Enthusiasts

The Cuban embargo has had a significant impact on the availability of Cuban cigars in the United States. While some individuals may try to obtain Cuban cigars through unofficial channels, it remains illegal to purchase or import them into the United States, subject to severe penalties.

The Relaxation of the Embargo

Over the years, there have been some efforts to relax the Cuban embargo. Notably, in 2014, the Obama administration initiated a partial easing of restrictions, allowing U.S. travelers to bring back small quantities of Cuban cigars for personal use. However, the core sanctions remained in place, limiting the Cuban cigar market in the U.S.

Why Can't Americans Buy Cuban Cigars?

The primary reason Americans can't easily buy Cuban cigars is that the embargo prohibits trade and commerce with Cuba. While the regulations have evolved and been relaxed to some extent, the sale of Cuban cigars in the U.S. remains strictly regulated due to the embargo's ongoing status.

The Future of Cuban Cigars in the U.S.

The future of Cuban cigars in the United States is uncertain. As political landscapes shift, there may be opportunities for a change in policy. It is possible that one day, Cuban cigars may become more accessible to American consumers. For now, the embargo remains in place, and U.S. aficionados continue to wait for a chance to legally savor the flavors of Cuba.


Cuban cigars remain an elusive treasure for many American cigar enthusiasts due to the enduring Cuban embargo. While the allure of these world-renowned cigars persists, the legal hurdles and strict regulations make it difficult for Americans to buy Cuban cigars in the United States. As we look to the future, the hope remains that one day the embargo will be lifted, allowing Americans to fully embrace the Cuban cigar experience. Until then, cigar enthusiasts in the U.S. must explore other international and domestic cigar options to enjoy their passion for fine tobacco.

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